Our decision to prevent the digital gap in India
Our decision to prevent the digital gap in India
Our decision to prevent the digital gap in India

Our decision to prevent the digital gap in India | PM Modi

According to the prime minister, he has been advocating for a shift in the national attitude toward technology use.

Bill Gates, the founder and former CEO of Microsoft, had a conversation with Prime Minister Narendra Modi about technology, digital infrastructure, and artificial intelligence.

In response to Bill Gates‘ question about the technical breakthroughs he is enthusiastic about, the Prime Minister remarked, “I decided I will not allow a digital divide in India and hence took the infrastructure to villages across the country.” They were speaking at his residence.

“I used to believe that I would not permit something such to the global digital divide to occur in my nation when I heard about it. In and of itself, digital public infrastructure is a crucial necessity. In India, women are more receptive to embracing new technologies. The “Namo Drone Didi” initiative has begun with me. They claim that although they are pilots and are able to operate drones, they had no idea how to ride a bicycle. The mentality has evolved,” PM Modi continued.

“We had extensive discussions before the G20 Summit and as you’ve likely noted, the summit’s proceedings took various turns,” the Prime Minister said as she welcomed Bill Gates. We have finally, in my opinion, brought the G20’s primary goals and purposes into the mainstream.

Bill Gates and PM Modi also had a lengthy conversation about the advantages and functions of artificial intelligence (AI). During the G20 Summit last year, as well as at the Kashi Tamil Sangamam event, where his speech was translated in real time from Hindi to Tamil, the Prime Minister demonstrated his use of artificial intelligence.

“Historically, as a colony, we lagged behind during the first and second industrial revolutions. The digital element is at the center of the fourth industrial revolution that we are currently experiencing. I have no doubt that India will prosper greatly during this time. Artificial Intelligence is crucial. I will occasionally joke that in our nation, we refer to our mother as “Aai.” Now that children are so advanced, I claim that when a child is born, he speaks both “Aai” and “AI.”

PM Modi also stated that his new government will endeavor to ensure immunization, particularly for all girls, and that he wished to provide funding to scientists for local research in cervical cancer in order to develop vaccines at a low cost.

The prime minister stated that digital public infrastructure is necessary, and Gates added that India is setting the standard. Speaking about the problem of climate change, Modi stated that terms like “green GDP” and “green employment” should be used instead of defining development in terms of the usage of steel or energy, which are anti-climate.

The Prime Minister answered, “I am not an expert but have child-like curiosity for technology,” in response to Gates’ question about whether he was fascinated by technology but not a slave to it.

Empowering Rural India

The conversation between Prime Minister Modi and Bill Gates also shed light on the empowering effects of technology in rural India. The Prime Minister shared stories of women in villages who, with the help of technology, have learned to pilot drones. These women, who previously had limited access to transportation options, now navigate the skies with joy and pride. The integration of technology in rural areas has brought about significant positive changes and improved the quality of life for many.

AI and Emerging Technologies

Prime Minister Modi acknowledged the increasing importance of artificial intelligence (AI) and the rapid advancements in the field. He highlighted the widespread usage of AI, even among common citizens, citing his personal experience of using AI for language interpretation during the G20 Summit. The Prime Minister’s emphasis on AI reflects India’s growing presence in the global AI landscape and the country’s commitment to harnessing emerging technologies for development.

Chip Manufacturing and Software Expertise

India’s expertise in software development has laid the foundation for its fast-paced technological advancements. The Prime Minister expressed optimism about India’s potential to become a global hub for chip manufacturing, a crucial element in the electronics industry. With the government’s recent push for chip manufacturing in India, the country aims to strengthen its position as a leader in technology and innovation.

Future Prospects

Looking ahead, India’s technological journey shows no signs of slowing down. The government’s focus on digital initiatives, coupled with the nation’s software expertise and commitment to innovation, ensures a promising future for India’s technology-driven growth. The Prime Minister’s conversation with Bill Gates serves as a testament to India’s determination to bridge the digital divide and become a global technology powerhouse.


The conversation between Prime Minister Modi and Bill Gates highlighted India’s remarkable progress in technology and its unwavering commitment to bridging the digital divide. The government’s focus on digital infrastructure, technological advancements, and empowerment of rural India has propelled the country forward. With emerging technologies like AI and the push for chip manufacturing, India is poised to become a global leader in the world of technology. As India continues its digital transformation journey, the possibilities for growth and innovation are endless.