Gukesh's preparations for his attempt
Gukesh's preparations for his attempt
Gukesh's preparations for his attempt

Gukesh’s preparations for his attempt | World Championship


The Candidates chess tournament is a highly anticipated event in the world of chess, as it serves as the last hurdle for players before they can compete in the World Chess Championship. In the upcoming tournament, Gukesh, a talented young player from India, is set to make history as the second youngest participant ever. This article explores Gukesh’s preparation for the tournament, his unique approach, and the support he received from renowned chess players.

Gukesh’s Journey to the Candidates

Gukesh, at the age of 17, is just a year older than the legendary Bobby Fischer when he competed in his first Candidates tournament in 1959. If Gukesh manages to outperform the other contenders, he will become the youngest ever World Championship finalist. Gukesh’s journey to the Candidates has been marked by dedication, hard work, and strategic training.

The Importance of Physical and Mental Conditioning

While many players focus on physical fitness and nutrition to maintain mental sharpness during the three-week event, Gukesh has chosen to prioritize his training on the chessboard. For the first time, he has assembled a team of four to five seconds and trainers to support him in his preparation. This decision reflects Gukesh’s commitment to enhancing his skills and competing at the highest level.

Gukesh’s Team and Training Regimen

Gukesh’s team consists of his coach and several seconds who work together to fine-tune his strategies and analyze opponents’ games. This collaborative approach allows for a comprehensive evaluation of different scenarios and helps Gukesh make informed decisions during his matches. The team’s combined expertise and insights contribute to Gukesh’s growth as a player.

In addition to his team’s support, Gukesh has also focused on regularizing his sleeping pattern and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. He ensures he gets sufficient rest, sleeping for eight to ten hours a night, and follows a disciplined routine. While he hasn’t made drastic changes to his diet or exercise routine, Gukesh has incorporated meditation and cycling into his off-board activities to maintain mental clarity and overall well-being.

Gukesh’s Training Camps and Tournament Participation

In the months leading up to the Candidates, Gukesh participated in various chess events and training camps to sharpen his skills. He played in prestigious tournaments like the Tata Steel Chess event in Wijk aan Zee and the Magnus Carlsen freestyle chess event in Germany. These experiences exposed him to different playing styles and allowed him to learn from some of the best players in the world.

Gukesh also underwent an intense training camp for three to four weeks, treating chess preparation as a full-time job. The camp focused on analyzing previous games, studying opponents’ strategies, and refining his own gameplay. This dedicated approach demonstrates Gukesh’s commitment to continuous improvement and his desire to excel in the Candidates tournament.

Gukesh’s Mental Transformation

In recent months, Gukesh has undergone a mental transformation that has positively impacted his game. He has become more carefree and focused solely on his chess performance, disregarding external factors such as tournament rankings or FIDE ratings. This shift in mindset allows him to approach each game with a clear and unburdened mind, enabling him to make calculated moves and adapt to different situations.

Gukesh has learned the importance of not carrying the results of previous matches into future games. He now understands that dwelling on past performances can hinder his progress and limit his potential. This newfound mental resilience has contributed to his growth as a player and has allowed him to perform at his best in high-pressure situations.

Support from Viswanathan Anand and Westbridge Capital

Viswanathan Anand, a five-time world champion, has been a significant influence and source of guidance for Gukesh. Anand’s expertise and mentorship have played a crucial role in Gukesh’s development as a chess player. Additionally, Anand has helped secure sponsorship from Westbridge Capital, which has provided financial support for Gukesh’s training and the hiring of his team.

Westbridge Capital’s sponsorship has allowed Gukesh to assemble a team of experts who assist him in his preparation for the Candidates tournament. This support not only helps Gukesh analyze his opponents’ games but also provides him with valuable insights and advice on mental preparation and tournament strategies.

Gukesh’s Adaptation to Unforeseen Circumstances

As with any major event, Gukesh has faced unforeseen challenges during his preparation for the Candidates tournament. Due to visa delays, his initial plans to train in Canada had to be altered, forcing him to spend more time in Chennai, India. Gukesh and his team had to adjust their training schedules and travel plans to accommodate the change. However, these adjustments are part of the journey, and Gukesh remains focused on his ultimate goal.


Gukesh’s journey to the Candidates chess tournament highlights his determination, hard work, and adaptability. His decision to assemble a team of experts, combined with his disciplined training and mental transformation, showcases his commitment to becoming the youngest World Championship finalist. The support from Viswanathan Anand and West bridge Capital has further strengthened his preparation and given him the resources to compete at the highest level. As Gukesh steps onto the chessboard, the world eagerly awaits the outcome of his bid to make history.