Evidence of Modi's corrupt practices

Evidence of Modi’s corrupt practices | Rahul comments

In its decision, the Supreme Court ruled that the plan infringes on the right to information under Section 19(1)(a), noting that knowledge of political party funding is crucial for making informed voting decisions.

The Congress party applauded the Supreme Court’s decision on Thursday, calling the electoral bonds program “unconstitutional.”

Rahul Gandhi, the leader of the Congress, posted on X, the previous Twitter platform, saying, “This is just another evidence of Narendra Modi’s crooked policies. The BJP had turned electoral bonds into a conduit for commission and bribery. This issue has been settled as of today.

In its decision, the Supreme Court ruled that the plan violates Section 19(1)(a) of the freedom to information, adding that knowledge of political party funding is crucial for making informed voting decisions. The State Bank of India (SBI) was instructed by the Supreme Court to stop issuing these bonds and to provide the Election Commission with a list of all bonds that have been purchased since the supreme court’s April 12, 2019 interim judgment.

Additionally, Jairam Ramesh, the head of Congress Communications, wrote on X, “The Modi Sarkar’s much-maligned Electoral Bonds scheme has been held by the Supreme Court to be in violation of both Indian Constitutional law and laws passed by Parliament.” The much anticipated decision is greatly appreciated and will strengthen the influence of votes over notes.

The party also hoped that the Supreme Court would consider political parties’ concerns over VVPATs. “The Modi Sarkar has been favoring the Chandadatas while inflicting ANYAY upon ANYAY upon the Annadatas.” Additionally, we expect that the Election Commission’s persistent refusal to even meet with political parties on the subject of the Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) will be noted by the Supreme Court. Why this stubbornness, he questioned, if the voting procedure is transparent?

The highly criticized Modi Sarkar Electoral Bonds plan has been ruled by the Supreme Court to be in violation of both Indian Constitutional law and laws established by Parliament. The eagerly awaited decision is greatly appreciated and will strengthen the influence of votes over notes. Modi Sarkar’s…

– Jairam Ramesh, who goes as @Jairam Ramesh

The ruling was hailed by Rajya Sabha Member Kapi Sibal as a “huge ray of hope for the citizens of the country.”

“This is a huge ray of hope not just for a, b, or c political party but for democracy itself,” Sibal told reporters. It’s a bright light of hope for our nation’s population. The entire plan, which was the idea of my late friend Arun Jaitley, was actually designed to benefit the BJP. The intriguing aspect is that there was no connection between elections and this electoral bond program. The news agency said that the BJP had gotten the most donations because of the strong ties between the corporate sector and the party.

Additionally, over the years, they have received donations totaling roughly 5,000–6,000 crores. Now that you have five to six thousand crores in your bank account—money that should not be used for elections—you may overthrow the government and establish your political party’s infrastructure. You are able to construct the RSS’s architecture. You can establish a nationwide communication network, Sibal continued.

Rajya Sabha MP Kapil Sibal comments, “This is a huge ray of hope not just for a, b, or c political party but for democracy itself,” in response to the Supreme Court’s decision over the Electoral Bond plan. It’s a bright light of hope for our nation’s population.

We shall therefore learn about the ties that bind the funders and the nation’s politics, and you will also learn about the quid pro quo—no one donates these enormous sums of money without expecting something in return. It would be impossible to get an electoral bond for 10 or fifteen lakhs. It will be expressed in crores. 

Therefore, you may understand that only the wealthy could have funded your political party with 5000 crores, and they must have received some favors in the process. Thus, I believe that this kind of ensures that everyone has an equal opportunity in a democracy. Furthermore, it reveals the BJP. Where is this swindle, the prime minister asks repeatedly? The swindle is where? He continued, criticizing the Narendra Modi-led BJP administration, saying, “Where it is now Modiji right in front of your eyes your swindle, this government scam.


The Supreme Court’s verdict on electoral bonds has exposed the flaws in the political funding system in India. Rahul Gandhi’s allegations of corruption within the scheme have gained credibility with the court’s ruling. The need for greater transparency and accountability in political funding has become more apparent than ever. It is now up to the government and political parties to heed the court’s judgment and work towards comprehensive electoral reforms. Only through such reforms can the integrity of the political process be restored and the trust of the people be regained.