Casino Staff On Reddit

Casino employees are the best people to go to for tips and tricks on all things casino-related, and they’re often very happy to share their knowledge with those who ask.

One place you’ll often find them sharing their tips is on Reddit. To save you the time of trawling through the various AMA threads and other subreddits, we’ve collected all the most common bits of advice and compiled them into one handy article.

These tips offer excellent insights into what to expect at a casino, and how to come out ahead. Or at least have the best time.

1. Don’t Play The Slots Next To The Bathroom

The legal payout percentage is based on the house, not individual machines. So some machines, even with the same games you’ll find elsewhere in the casino, will pay out less than others.

For example, slots near toilets often have the lowest payout because the casino knows you’ll take a seat while waiting for someone.

Ever wonder why with all the noise of a casino, the jingles, bells, and soundtracks don’t sound awful together? That’s because they’re all written in C Major.

The notes don’t clash, and it keeps players in a good mood and therefore playing for longer. Just another sneaky casino design trick…

All across Reddit there are stories about this.

Apparently, patrons will be so engrossed in a game, or so committed to finally hitting that lucky win, that they will wear adult diapers to keep gambling without bathroom breaks.

Some don’t even wear the diapers.

Many leave puddles or piles in the seats when they leave, and casinos don’t always do as much clean up as you’d imagine. Nice.

2. Only Use Your Player’s Card For Extended Sessions

Casinos calculate an Average Day Trip (ADT) to determine how much you’re worth as a patron.

The more you spend in general, the better the comps and promotions a casino will offer you.

Using the card on a quick session where you only spend $20 could drive your ADT down and reduce your promos.

3. Don’t Hate On The Dealers

Too often players assume that the dealer, as the face of the house at the casino, wants them to lose.

But most dealers know that players who win are likely to give them a nice tip.

So, whether you’re winning or losing, respect the dealer and enjoy the fun they add to the experience.

Remember to tip them. And don’t treat them like the enemy!

4. Never Take Any Side Bets

According to one casino employee of Reddit: “All sidebets are horrible odds. Don’t do them unless you plan on losing your money anyways.”

This was always apparent for insurance bets in blackjack, but across the board the dealers say not to take those extra side wagers, even if the payouts sound worthwhile.

5. Play Video Casino Games To Get Free Drinks Faster

Bartenders can see how much money you put into the video games.

So, if you’re playing at a casino that doesn’t just automatically comp drinks to all players, put in $100 when you sit down at the machine and don’t try to flag down the bartender.

Make small bets and appear to settle in. Soon the bartender will come around and ask for your order.

Keep making small bets until they return with your drink, then tip them and cash out. Repeat at different bars.

6. Get A Player’s Card To Get An Instant Room Discount

Planning a trip to Las Vegas? Sign up for a player’s card!

The rates for rooms are usually 10-20 percent cheaper depending on availability, and all you need to get a casino room rate is to have the club card.

Of course, if you stay and play, you might end up getting the room comped, too.

7. Spend More Money And You Might Get A Grill Or Panini Maker

Across Reddit there are stories of people using player’s cards to get rewards.

Beyond comps for rooms and meals, many loyalty members get gifts including George Foreman grills, panini makers, pasta cookers and other kitchen equipment.

And as one Redditor has pointed out: “Bitches love paninis.”

8. It’s Okay To Ask The Dealer For Advice

Part of dealer training is to not only know all the rules, but to also be friendly and helpful to newcomers.

Always wanted to learn craps? Wondering whether to split or not in blackjack? Just ask your dealer.

They get paid whether the house wins or loses, so they will give you honest advice based on much more experience than the random player sitting next to you.

Just make sure to tip them.

9. Bring Your Printed Strategy Card

Worried about learning whether to stand, hit, split, or double in blackjack? Just find a winning strategy guide and print it out.

You may need to check with the dealer, but most casinos allow them or even encourage them as they want you to have fun and stay for as long as possible.

Just make sure it’s actually printed on paper, and not on your smart device, as that’s not allowed.

10. Play Craps For The Best Odds

Read through enough AMA threads on Reddit from casino dealers and you’ll note a trend, they all start by dealing blackjack but recommend that gamblers play craps.

While ideal play in blackjack can have some of the best odds in the casino, they are convinced that craps is actually the best.

Maybe it’s finally time to figure out that game, or ask the dealer!

If you enjoyed reading this, you’ll love our similar piece on the craziest things we learned about casinos on Reddit.

11.The Casino Is Probably Haunted

Numerous Redditors reported patrons tragically dying at the casino. Some died at the slots, other at the table games. Most were old, but not all.

We also read reports of other casino-goers trying to steal their chips before the paramedics arrived.

Either way, chances are that someone died in that same place where you’re doing all the superstitious things to try to win big, so you might need to appease their spirit when the jackpot hits.

12. The House Wins Way More Than You Might Imagine

It’s not just the glitzy casinos on the Las Vegas strip that are raking in the cash.

A riverboat casino in northern Illinois could easily be profiting $1 million per week. That’s after operating expenses, in a small suburban casino.

Never underestimate just how much the house always wins,

13. Casinos Get Boxes Of Pre-Shuffled Cards

Don’t get too attached to your lucky decks of cards at the casino. New decks are cycled into machines a couple times a shift.

In fact, you won’t see dealers opening up packs of new playing cards, as the casinos get special boxes that have six decks of pre-shuffled cards in them to speed up play.

14. The Smoking Ban Cost Casinos Millions

Smoking and gambling often go hand-in-hand, so when smoking was banned in most casinos, many took financial hits in the millions per quarter.

One Redditor claims the casino lost $20 million in a single quarter. Thanks to tribal law, the casino was able to lift the ban in the casino, but others surely lost out on significant cash.

15. Win More Than $15,000 And The Casino Watches You

Yes, casinos are always watching you.

But once you hit a certain level, they really start paying attention.

What’s the level? One surveillance tech claimed it was once someone won $15K per sit-down in blackjack.

Casino staff on Reddit have provided invaluable insights into the world of gambling, offering insider tips that can enhance the overall casino experience for patrons. From dealing with dealers to navigating the gaming floor, these tips shed light on aspects often unknown to the average casino-goer.

One recurring piece of advice from casino staff is the importance of treating dealers with respect. Dealers play a crucial role in the gaming experience, and maintaining a positive and courteous attitude can contribute to a more enjoyable time at the tables. Tipping, when appropriate, is also appreciated and can create a more favorable atmosphere.

Another key takeaway is the significance of understanding the games being played. Staff recommend learning the rules, strategies, and odds of various games before hitting the casino floor. This not only enhances the gaming experience but also improves the chances of making informed decisions.

Casino employees also emphasize the importance of setting and sticking to a budget. Knowing one’s financial limits and avoiding chasing losses is crucial for responsible gambling. Staff members often witness the negative impact of not having a budget in place and stress the importance of gambling within one’s means.

Moreover, engaging with loyalty programs and player’s clubs is highlighted as a savvy move. Many casinos offer rewards programs that provide perks, discounts, and even freebies based on a player’s level of activity. Taking advantage of these programs can add extra value to the overall casino experience.

Lastly, staff members recommend being vigilant about alcohol consumption. While enjoying drinks is part of the casino experience for many, overindulgence can lead to poor decision-making and financial losses. Moderation is key to ensuring a fun and responsible time at the casino.

These insider tips from casino staff on Reddit provide a valuable glimpse into the industry’s inner workings. Armed with knowledge and a courteous demeanor, casino-goers can make the most of their experience while maintaining a responsible and enjoyable approach to gambling.