Robberies in Casino Games How to Spot a Cheater

Robberies in Casino Games How to Spot a Cheater

The thrill of the casino, with its bright lights, ringing slot machines and shuffling of cards, is unlike any other experience. However, amid the glitz and glamour, lurks a dark side, a world where deception and cunning can unfairly skew the odds in favor of those who cheat.

Often referred to as “dacoits” in the gambling world, these people employ a variety of tricks to trick both the house and fellow players. In this article, we will discuss in depth the tricks used by these cheaters, their modus operandi, and most importantly, how to spot them before they ruin the game.

Common Cheating Methods in Casino Games

1. Card Marking: Card marking is one of the oldest and most commonly used cheating techniques in card games like blackjack and poker. Cheaters mark cards in subtle ways—such as making tiny scratches or using invisible ink that can be seen with special lenses. This allows them to identify the cards that are in play, giving them an unfair advantage.

  • Spotting It: Watch for players who seem overly interested in specific cards or who touch cards more frequently than necessary. Dealers and players should also be on the lookout for any unusual wear or marks on cards.

2. Past Posting: Past posting is the act of placing or altering a bet after the outcome of a game is known. This usually happens in games like roulette or blackjack, where a player may try to add chips to their bet after a winning outcome has already been determined.

  • Spotting It: Dealers and security cameras are crucial in spotting past posting. Look for players who make quick hand movements after a result is determined or who seem to be fiddling with their chips after a win. Casinos often employ chip-tracking technology to ensure that bets are not altered after they are placed.

3. Collusion: Collusion involves two or more players working together to cheat the system. In poker, for example, players might share information about their hands to increase their chances of winning. In blackjack, a group might team up to count cards and manipulate the game’s outcome.

  • Spotting It: Collusion can be difficult to detect, but some signs include players who frequently engage in conversation or signal to each other, consistent betting patterns that don’t match their hands, or players who seem to lose to each other deliberately.

4. Sleight of Hand: Sleight of hand refers to the use of dexterity and trickery to manipulate the outcome of a game. This is common in games involving physical cards or dice. A cheater might switch cards, palm chips, or use a loaded die to change the game’s outcome in their favor.

  • Spotting It: Sleight of hand is often caught by observing unnatural hand movements, especially when the player’s hands move too quickly or in a suspicious manner. Dealers are trained to watch for these signs, but fellow players should also be vigilant.

5. Electronic Devices: With the rise of technology, some cheaters have turned to electronic devices to gain an edge. These devices can range from concealed cameras that read cards to tiny computers that calculate the optimal time to bet in games like roulette.

  • Spotting It: Casinos use various methods to detect electronic devices, such as metal detectors and signal jammers. Players can spot these cheaters by watching for individuals who are frequently looking at or adjusting something under the table or in their pockets.

6. False Shuffling: False shuffling is when a dealer pretends to shuffle a deck of cards but actually leaves certain sequences intact, giving an accomplice a significant advantage. This is more common in card games like blackjack and poker.

  • Spotting It: This type of cheating is hard to spot without close observation. However, players should be cautious if a dealer consistently favors one player or if the cards seem to follow an unnatural pattern.

Protecting Yourself and Others

1. Be Observant: One of the most effective ways to spot a cheater is simply by being observant. Pay close attention to the behavior of other players, dealers, and even the flow of the game itself. Look for anything that seems out of place or unnatural.

2. Report Suspicious Activity: If you suspect someone is cheating, it’s important to report it to casino staff immediately. Most casinos have strict protocols in place to investigate such claims discreetly and thoroughly. Never confront a suspected cheater directly, as this could lead to an uncomfortable or even dangerous situation.

3. Know the Rules: A solid understanding of the game’s rules is your best defense against cheating. When you know how the game is supposed to flow, it’s easier to spot anomalies or irregularities that could indicate foul play.

4. Trust the Casino’s Security: Casinos invest heavily in security technology and staff training to prevent cheating. Surveillance cameras, facial recognition software, and trained security personnel work together to keep the gaming environment safe and fair. Trust in these systems, but also do your part by staying vigilant

Understanding Dacoit Tactics in Casinos

Dacoit is a term traditionally used in South Asia to describe bandits or armed robbers. In the context of casinos, it refers to individuals who use illegal means to win, often at the expense of others. These cheaters can range from lone wolves to organized groups with sophisticated techniques. While casinos have extensive security measures in place, including surveillance cameras, trained staff, and advanced technology, robbers continue to find new ways to cheat.

Common robber tactics

Card game marking is one of the oldest and most well-known methods of cheating in casinos. It involves subtly altering cards to make them unrecognizable later. Methods can range from using invisible ink, small scratches or bends on the card, to sophisticated techniques such as applying special substances that are only visible through specific glasses or lenses.

Recognizing card marking

Observation: Pay close attention to the way players handle cards. If a person is very concerned about the condition of cards or repeatedly touches specific areas, he or she may be marking them.

Irregularities: Look for any inconsistencies on the back of the cards, such as small scratches, bends, or unusual spots.

Casino staff: Dealers and casino staff are trained to recognize card marking. If you suspect a card marker, discreetly notify staff.

Back posting

Back posting, also known as late betting, occurs when a player places or changes a bet after the result is known but before it is officially announced. This strategy relies on distractions, sleight of hand or timing errors to succeed.

Recognizing back posting

Distractions: Cheaters often create distractions to draw attention away from the table at crucial moments. Be cautious if a player suddenly starts making noise, drops something or causes a commotion.

Hand movements: Watch for players who move their hands quickly or unexpectedly after the result is revealed. This may indicate that they are trying to change or place a bet.

Vigilant dealers: Dealers are trained to recognize previous postings, but they can’t see everything. If you see something suspicious, alert them immediately.

Card switching

Card switching is a strategy in which a player illegally replaces one card with another, usually a card he or she has hidden. This can be done by sleight of hand or with the help of an accomplice, such as the dealer involved in the scam.

Recognizing card switching

Suspicious handling: Be wary of players who handle their cards in an unusual way, such as palming them or repeatedly putting them in their pockets.

Clothing: Loose clothing, especially with deep pockets, can be used to hide cards. While this is not proof of cheating, it can be a red flag.

Close inspection: Keep a close eye on the cards from the time they are dealt until they are revealed. Any irregularities should be noted and reported.

Technology-based cheating

With the development of technology, some robbers have resorted to devices and gadgets to commit fraud. This may include using smartphones, small cameras or even electronic devices that communicate with accomplices outside the casino.

Recognizing technology-based cheating

Unusual devices: Look for players who appear to be overly attached to their phones or other electronic devices during play.

Unusual behavior: Be suspicious if a player repeatedly leaves the table to make phone calls or walks away for minor reasons.

Safety measures: Casinos have sophisticated technology to detect these devices, but being vigilant and reporting any unusual activity can be helpful.

Keeping yourself and others safe

Recognizing a robber isn’t just about keeping yourself safe; it’s about maintaining the integrity of the game and ensuring a fair environment for everyone involved. Here are some steps you can take to protect yourself and others from cheaters.

Tommy Glenn Carmichael

A notorious slot machine cheater, Carmichael used specially designed devices to manipulate slot machines and steal millions of dollars. He was eventually caught and served time in prison, but his methods led to changes in slot machine design.

Richard Marcus

Known as one of the most successful casino cheaters, Marcus used sleight of hand and psychological manipulation to defraud hundreds of thousands of dollars. His exploits raised awareness of cheating tactics and strict security measures.


The allure of casinos may be irresistible, but it’s important to remember that not everyone is playing by the rules. Mobsters, with their myriad strategies, pose a real threat to the integrity of casino games. By staying vigilant, informed, and cautious, you can protect yourself and others from becoming victims of these cheaters. Remember, casinos are places of entertainment and excitement.

Don’t let a cheater spoil the fun. If you ever suspect foul play, report it immediately and let the professionals handle the situation. After all, in the casino world, the house may have the odds close, but fair play should always be the ultimate winner.