How AAP prevailed in Jalandhar Assembly by poll

How AAP prevailed in Jalandhar Assembly by poll

Background of the AAP party

The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is a political party that emerged in the Indian political landscape in 2012, promising to bring about a paradigm shift in the way politics is conducted in the country. Founded by social activist and former civil servant Arvind Kejriwal, the party has positioned itself as a champion of the common people, vowing to address the pressing issues that have long plagued the country, such as corruption, lack of basic amenities, and the widening socio-economic divide.

The party’s rise to prominence was marked by its stunning victory in the 2015 Delhi Assembly elections, where it secured a landslide victory and formed the government. This success was largely attributed to the party’s focus on grassroots-level engagement, its emphasis on transparency and accountability, and its bold promises to improve the lives of the common people. The party’s subsequent performance in the 2017 Punjab Assembly elections, where it emerged as the second-largest party, further cemented its position as a significant political force in the state.

However, the party’s fortunes took a turn in the recently concluded Lok Sabha (LS) polls, where it failed to secure a single seat in Punjab, a state it had once hoped to conquer. This setback was a significant blow to the party’s ambitions and raised questions about its ability to sustain its momentum and maintain its relevance in the state’s political landscape.

Challenges faced by the AAP party in the LS polls

The AAP’s defeat in the LS polls was a testament to the party’s inability to capitalize on its previous successes and effectively translate its message into tangible electoral gains. Several factors contributed to this disappointing outcome, including the party’s failure to build a strong and cohesive organizational structure, its inability to effectively counter the well-oiled election machinery of its rivals, and its struggle to connect with the diverse and complex electorate of Punjab.

One of the key challenges faced by the AAP was its inability to effectively mobilize its core support base, which had been instrumental in its previous victories. The party’s reliance on a few charismatic leaders and its failure to nurture a robust cadre of local leaders and activists proved to be a significant weakness, as it left the party vulnerable to the well-established networks and resources of its rivals.

Moreover, the AAP’s campaign during the LS polls was perceived as lacking in focus and coherence, with the party struggling to articulate a clear and compelling vision for the state. This, coupled with the party’s inability to effectively counter the narrative propagated by its opponents, who sought to portray the AAP as a “outsider” party with little understanding of the state’s unique challenges and aspirations, contributed to its downfall.

Factors contributing to AAP’s victory in the Jalandhar Assembly by-poll

Despite the setback in the LS polls, the AAP remained determined to regain its footing in Punjab and prove its relevance as a viable political force in the state. This resolve was put to the test in the Jalandhar Assembly by-poll, which was held just a month after the LS elections.

The AAP’s victory in the Jalandhar by-poll was a testament to the party’s ability to learn from its mistakes and adapt its strategy to the changing political landscape. One of the key factors that contributed to the party’s success was its renewed focus on grassroots-level engagement and its willingness to listen to the concerns of the local community.

The party’s campaign in the Jalandhar by-poll was centered around addressing the pressing issues that were of immediate concern to the people, such as unemployment, healthcare, and education. By highlighting these issues and offering concrete solutions, the AAP was able to connect with the electorate on a deeper level and convince them that the party was committed to addressing their needs and improving their quality of life.

Another crucial factor in the AAP’s victory was its ability to mobilize its core support base and energize its local leadership. The party’s decision to field a local candidate with deep roots in the community, coupled with its efforts to engage with various social and community groups, helped to build a strong and cohesive campaign team that was able to effectively reach out to the voters and garner their support.

Analysis of AAP’s campaign strategies

The AAP’s campaign in the Jalandhar by-poll was a masterclass in strategic and targeted outreach. The party’s leadership recognized that the key to success lay in understanding the unique challenges and aspirations of the local community and tailoring their message and approach accordingly.

One of the standout features of the AAP’s campaign was its emphasis on door-to-door outreach and personal interactions with the voters. The party’s candidates and volunteers made a concerted effort to visit every household in the constituency, listening to the concerns of the people and sharing the party’s vision for the future. This personal touch, combined with the party’s commitment to addressing the local issues, helped to build a strong rapport with the electorate and convince them of the AAP’s sincerity and dedication.


The AAP’s victory in the Jalandhar Assembly by-poll is a remarkable achievement that underscores the party’s resilience, adaptability, and its ability to connect with the people on a deeper level. Despite the setback in the LS polls, the party was able to bounce back and secure a decisive victory, demonstrating its commitment to addressing the pressing issues that matter most to the people and its willingness to empower its local leadership.