Aahana Kumra urges everyone to protect their planet on Environment Day Stop deforestation for a sustainable future
Kumara on environment urges everyone to protect their planet

Kumara on environment urges everyone to protect their planet

As the world commemorates World Environment Day, the spotlight shines brightly on the pressing issue of environmental conservation. Amidst the global call to action, one voice stands out with a resounding message: actor Aahana Kumra’s impassioned plea to halt the rampant deforestation that threatens our planet’s future.

Aahana Kumra: A Champion for the Environment

Aahana Kumra, known for her versatile acting prowess, has long been an ardent advocate for environmental sustainability. Hailing from the bustling city of Lucknow, Kumra has always been drawn to the great outdoors, finding solace and inspiration in the natural world. Her commitment to preserving the earth’s delicate balance is not just a personal pursuit, but a mission she is determined to share with the world.

Lamenting the Destruction of Mumbai’s Greenery

In a candid conversation with HT City, Kumra expressed her deep concern over the alarming state of her adopted home, Mumbai. The actor lamented the city’s rapidly vanishing green spaces, lamenting the destruction of footpaths and parks that once provided a respite from the urban sprawl. “Sadly, the footpaths and parks have been destroyed. It’s not just the government, it’s the people also who don’t take as much care as they should,” Kumra laments.

The Stark Contrast Between Cities

Kumra’s observations highlight a stark contrast between the maintenance of smaller cities in India and the neglect of larger metropolitan areas like Mumbai. “The smaller cities in India are better maintained than a bigger city like Mumbai,” she notes, underscoring the urgent need for a collective effort to safeguard the natural landscapes that are the lifeblood of our communities.

Kumra’s Outdoor Passion and Commitment to Sustainability

As an “outdoor girl” who finds immense joy in connecting with nature, Kumra’s commitment to sustainability is deeply rooted in her personal experiences. She explains, “I’m somebody who has always promoted maintaining parks and our surroundings. I make sure to push people to do sustainable things. It’s nice to go outdoors and be aware about what’s going on in the city.”

The Perilous Consequences of Deforestation

Kumra’s concerns extend beyond the immediate visual impact of environmental degradation. She warns of the dire consequences of the rampant deforestation that has plagued many regions, including the loss of agricultural land and the looming threat of desertification. “With the amount of trees we have cut in the last few years, especially from the agricultural land, things are just getting worse. We are getting so greedy as humans, it’s going to lead to desertification. It’s just going to ruin the land and there’s going to be a scarcity of water.”

The Responsibility of Individuals and Celebrities

Aahana Kumra firmly believes that the onus of environmental stewardship lies not just with the government, but with every individual. She emphasizes the need for personal accountability, “You have to treat your land like your home. It is actually the future. What you do today, will come out for the next generation tomorrow.” As a public figure, Kumra also recognizes the unique platform she holds to influence and inspire others towards eco-conscious living.

Kumra’s Call to Action: Halting Deforestation

Addressing the World Environment Day theme of land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience, Kumra issues a resounding call to action. She urges people to stop the rampant deforestation that is devastating our landscapes, warning that the consequences will be dire if we continue down this path. “With the amount of trees we have cut in the last few years, especially from the agricultural land, things are just getting worse. We are getting so greedy as humans, it’s going to lead to desertification.”

Promoting Sustainable Lifestyles through Influence

Kumra believes that celebrities have a responsibility to leverage their influence and impact to promote sustainable lifestyles. “Instead of flaunting everything in their lives, stars should focus on promoting environment sustainability. If we don’t create awareness about how normalcy can be, how will people adapt. If we have that power of influence or impact, we should use it.”

Kumra’s Personal Commitment to Environmental Conservation

Kumra’s passion for the environment extends beyond mere words; it is a way of life for her. She actively engages in sustainable practices, such as ensuring the cleanliness of her surroundings and speaking out against littering and other environmentally harmful behaviors. “Even if I see anyone spitting or loitering, I stand against it. My blood boils when people eat and throw wrappers on the streets.”

The Urgency of Collective Action

Kumra’s message resonates with a sense of urgency, as she emphasizes the need for immediate action to safeguard our planet’s future. “If this continues, we would be suffering majorly by 2050.” Her call to arms is a rallying cry for all of us to take responsibility and work collectively towards a more sustainable future.


Aahana Kumra’s impassioned plea to halt deforestation and embrace environmental conservation is a clarion call that echoes across the globe. As we commemorate World Environment Day, her words serve as a powerful reminder of the individual and collective responsibility we all share in protecting our precious planet. By heeding Kumra’s message and taking concrete steps towards sustainable living, we can ensure a brighter, greener future for generations to come.